Fundraising & Philanthropy Consultants

What to do about crypto?

A fundraising dilemma that needs a solution

Innovation for philanthropic impact: a whole new approach to planned giving

Our unique pilot project is developing a new approach to maximising donor lifetime value.

Is your charity missing out on a significant source of income?

Chicken Soup for the Fundraiser’s Soul

What are major donors’ and funders’ perspectives in the crisis?

The view from London

Data is king in the coronavirus pandemic

The view from the US: perspectives and insights on coronavirus impacts

Getting the best out of virtual campaigns and events during the pandemic

The view from London Part 2

The view from London Part 3 with Mark Phillips of BlueFrog Fundraising

The impacts of COVID-19 on charitable giving and how to respond

Give with Heart Day

Giving Day 2020

A Digital Pivot

Digital Philanthropy

A Global Innovation

COVID-19 fundraising: is the sky really going to fall?